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I was surfing the web the other night and found my way to Sister Joan Chittister's site. What a remarkable woman. It comforts me to find women who persist, in the trenches of organized religion, and find their voices. Or maybe it's that they are reclaiming them from long ago and showing the rest of us it can be done. They manage to find their way in what, to me, is an increasingly foreign land. I admire that. This prayer she wrote truly spoke to my heart:

A Prayer for You

May your journey
through the universal questions of life
bring you to a new moment of awareness.

May it be an enlightening one.

May you find embedded in the past,
like all the students of life before you,
the answers you are seeking now.

May they awaken that in you
which is deeper than fact,
truer than fiction,
full of faith.

May you come to know
that in every human event
is a particle of the divine
to which we turn for meaning here,
to which we tend for fullness of life hereafter.

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